Throughout its history, Chatsworth has played a role in many aspects of life in Derbyshire.

We have always been very aware of what the estate means to people, the impact it has on communities, and the responsibility we have, as custodians, to care for it.

We feel very privileged to have the opportunity to work with the many wonderful people who are committed to helping preserve Chatsworth for the long-term benefit of the public.

This commitment to a shared future extends beyond the estate, in to local communities, the county, and the environment, and is embodied in our core values of always improving, decency, and being inclusive.

The following pages explain more about our our core purpose and the goals we have set for the next 10 years, to help ensure Chatsworth benefits as many people as possible.

The Duke and Duchess of Devonshire

Our core purpose

Our core purpose was created based on the premise that the future of every part of the Devonshire Group is intrinsically linked to the future of our local communities, employees, visitors, suppliers, and partners.

If these groups thrive, then so will the Devonshire Group, and vice-versa. By working together towards a prosperous shared future, we will all benefit.

Our purpose is broken down in to three areas:

  • To preserve, restore and enhance our heritage assets for future generations.
  • To be a significant contributor to the economic, environmental and social wellbeing of our community and the communities around us, enhancing the lives of those that live and work on or around the estates and delighting those that visit these inspiring places.
  • To be seen as a leader, nationally and internationally, in the way we go about what we do, look after our people and our visitors and contribute to our local communities.

We will share updates of our progress with you, and seek your input and support, and welcome your thoughts and suggestions

For further information on our commitment to our shared future, please contact us:

  • by phone - 01246 565 400 ext 22117
  • by email -

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